In This Article
Have you installed Hydra Bot Discord on your server to manage music but don’t remember the commands and what each one of them helps you to do and how to interact with the server? Here I have an extensive list of Hydrabot Discord commands depending on your role in the server.
Whether you are a regular member of the Discord server, a DJ, a Hydra premium subscription owner, or have administrative privileges to manage the server, these commands will come in handy to listen to music and server management.
Even though I have listed all the commands with the period symbol but you need to make sure whenever you are going to use any Hydra Bot Discord command or syntax then you have to prefix it with a period symbol. For example, if you want to see a “playlist” within a channel then you will be using the command “.playlist” or “.pl”.
Commands for Everyone
These are the commands that can be used by all the members of the server, regardless of the role.
Commands and Syntax | What is the function of this command |
.help .h | Shows the help menu. |
.lyrics .lyric .ly | It shows lyrics for the currently playing song. |
.lyrics <song title> | Shows lyrics for the provided song. |
.ping .latency | Shows the latency of the bot. |
.ping ws | Shows the WebSocket latency of the bot. |
.ping rest | Shows the rest latency of the bot. |
.play <song name/url> .p <song name/url> | Plays a song. |
.play file | Plays the file attached to the message. |
.playlist .pl | Play your saved default playlist. |
.playlist list | List your saved playlists. |
.playlist show <playlist name> | Show the songs within the provided playlist. |
.playlist song save <url> | Save a song to your default or provided playlist |
.playlist song delete <songId> | Delete a song from your default or provided playlist |
.premiumstatus .prem .premium | Show the user and server premium status |
.queue .q .list | Shows the queue. |
.queue <page number> | Show a specific page of the queue. |
.search <song name> | Searches and lets you choose a song. |
.songinfo .si .np .song .nowplaying | Shows details of the song currently being played. |
.songinfo <song number> | Shows the detail of a specific song in the queue. |
.voteskip .vs | Lets you vote for skipping the current track. |
Commands for DJ
These are the commands specifically aimed at DJ. If you have your role in the server set to DJ then you can use these commands.
Commands and Syntax | What is the function of this command |
.clear .c .empty | Clears the current queue. |
.leave .dc .disconnect | Disconnects the bot from its current voice channel. |
.loop | Cycles through all three loop modes (queue, song, off). |
.loop queue | Loop the queue. |
.loop song | Loop the current playing song. |
.loop off | Turn off the music looping. |
.move <song number> .mv <song number> | Move the selected song to the top of the queue. |
.move <from> <to> | Move the selected song to the provided position. |
.move swap <from> <to> | Swap track positions in the queue. |
.move last | Move the last track in the queue to the top. |
.pause .break | Pauses the current playing song. |
.remove <song number> .rm <song number> .del <song number> .delete <song number> | Remove a specific song from the queue. |
.remove cleanup | Removes songs from users which left the voice channel. |
.remove doubles | Remove duplicate songs from the queue. |
.remove range <from> <to> | Remove a range of tracks from the queue. |
.replay .rp .restart | Replay the current song. |
.resume .continue | Resumes the current paused song. |
.seek mm:ss | Seeks to a specific position in the current song. |
.shuffle .sh | Shuffle the queue. |
.shuffle fair | Shuffles the queue fairly between users with songs in the queue. |
.skip .s .next | Lets you skip the current song. |
.skip <trackNumber> | Skips to a specific track in the queue. |
.stop | Stops the player and clears the queue. |
Commands for Admin
If you have admin access to the Hydra bot server then these commands will help you quickly manage certain tasks and make changes to the server management settings.
Commands and Syntax | What is the function of this command |
.announce | Toggle sending of now-playing messages on/off |
.announce delete | Toggle deletion of now-playing messages on/off |
.ban <user> .b <user> | Lets you ban users from controlling the bot. |
.cleanup .clean | Clear command and bot messages. |
.fix | Tries to fix the server region. |
.language .lang | Show the currently configured language. |
.language list | List all available languages. |
.language set <language key> | Set the language on your server. |
.limit | Show current set limits. |
.limit song <song amount> | Set a song limit per user for non-DJs. |
.limit time mm:ss | Set a time limit per song for non-DJs. |
.limit song reset | Reset the song limit per user for non-DJs. |
.limit time reset | Reset the time limit per song for non-DJs. |
.limit reset | Reset all limits. |
.playlists | Enables/disables the possibility of queueing playlists. |
.prefix | Show the current prefix. |
.prefix <new prefix> | Lets you set a new prefix. |
.requester .req | Enables/disables if the requester is shown on each track. |
.setdj | Show the current DJ roles. |
.setdj <role> | Add/Remove a DJ role. |
.setdj reset | Reset the DJ roles. |
.setup | Set up the unique song request channel. |
.setup embed | Set up the unique song request channel with the banner embedded. |
.setvc .sv | List all restricted voice channels. |
.setvc <voice channel> | Restrict the bot to only join specific voice channels. |
.setvc current | Add your current voice channel to the restricted voice channels. |
.setvc reset | Reset the configured restricted voice channels. |
.unban <user> .ub | Lets you unban users from controlling the bot. |
Commands for Premium Account
Being a premium user of the Hydra bot, you get access to dozens of capabilities and features including advanced options to control music. Here are all the Hydra bot Discord commands you can use as a premium user:
Commands and Syntax | What is the function of this command |
.24/7 .247 | Toggle the bot to stay 24/7 in the voice channel. |
.autoplay .ap .auto | Toggle the bot to continuously queue up recommended tracks. |
.bassboost .bb .bass | Show the current bass boost level. |
.bassboost <boost factor> | Sets the bass boost from -5 (max treble) to 5 (max bass). |
.bassboost <off | low | medium | high | extreme | earrape> | Sets the bass boost level (off | low | medium | high | extreme | earrape). |
.demon | It toggles the demon filter. |
.filter | Show the current set filter. |
.filter reset | Resets all filters. |
.nightcore .nc | Toggles the nightcore filter. |
.playlist load <playlist name> | Play the provided saved playlist. |
.playlist save <playlist name> | Save the current queue as a private playlist. |
.playlist create <playlist name> | Create a new playlist |
.playlist delete | Delete the provided saved playlist. |
.playlist share | Share your saved playlists with others. |
.playlist default <playlist name> | Switch the default playlist (used when no playlist name is provided) |
.speed | Speeds up the current song. |
.speed <speed factor> | Sets the speed up to 2x. |
.speed <slow | off | fast> | Sets the speed level (slow | off | fast) |
.vaporwave .vw | Toggles the vaporwave filter. |
.volume 1-200 .v .vol | Let you change the Hydra bot output volume. |
.volume default 1-200 | Let you change the Hydra bot default output volume. |